Parent and Community Concern Resolution Policy

Chicago Collegiate Charter School is eager to work with parents and community members to create a positive school culture and excellent outcomes for students.  In the event that you have concerns or are unhappy about something going on at Chicago Collegiate, we encourage you to take the following steps so that we can respond to them in a timely and transparent way:

Step 1: Go directly to the staff member with direct responsibility for the issue and try to work the problem out. You may contact us via phone until 8:00 PM or via email anytime. If you do not have the individual person's contact information or have misplaced your contact list, please contact the main office at 773-536-9098.

Step 2: If Step 1 fails, discuss this problem with the Principal or another member of the administration team. We highly suggest scheduling a meeting in advance, as walk in meetings may not always be able to be accommodated. Meetings can be scheduled by calling the main office at 773-536-9098.

Step 3: If Step 2 fails, discuss this problem with the CEO. A meeting with the CEO can be scheduled by calling 773-536-9098 or an email can be sent to [email protected] with the subject line "Complaint to CEO" to be sent on.

Step 4: If Step 3 fails, write a letter to the Chair of the Board outlining your concerns and the steps you have taken. Upon receiving the written request, the chair shall convene a three-person ad hoc committee of the board, which shall meet within ten working days to discuss the issues. The committee of the board shall decide on the matter by majority vote and shall respond to the parent/guardian and the CEO within five working days of its meeting. The committee can bring the issue to the full board for discussion but the committee shall make the final decision.  The committee will update the board as to the resolution. Decisions of the committee of the board shall be final. The letter can be sent to the school at 11816 S. Indiana Ave., Chicago, IL 60628 or via email to [email protected] to the attention of the Chair of the Board.