

The energy and commitment of volunteers is essential for helping us succeed! There are many ways to get involved with Chicago Collegiate, including on and off site volunteer work ranging from one-time commitments to opportunities on a weekly basis.

What Can I Do?

Projects vary based on time of year!

How Do I Learn More?

Email Ms. Soo at [email protected] and she will let you know about current needs and opportunities.

Do I Need a Background Check?

We generally follow the CPS Volunteer Policy. (Please note: We don’t require our volunteers to submit an application; that is only relevant for a traditional CPS school.) Background checks are required for Level I volunteers. For example, if you are volunteering for more than 10 hours a week, coaching a sports team or tutoring a student one-on-one, you will need to complete a background check. Please refer to the policy for details on what constitutes a Level I volunteer. If you meet this definition, contact the main office at 773-536-9098 or stop by the front desk for the background check form and instructions.

All other volunteers are Level II, and no background check is required.

If you are interested in general opportunities to dedicate your time, energy and talents to helping our students change the world, please contact [email protected] or call us at 773-536-9098.